Menopause Month

Hello October ??️ It's October which also translates to Menopause Awareness Month! 

As some of you may have seen across my socials a couple of months ago, I posted a video around why I discuss menopause, perimenopause and post menopause in quite a bit of depth (where relevant, of course) at both consultations and appointments for a few different reasons. One of which being that certain treatments I offer can really benefit and ease some of the symptoms, another being that when I was just 34, I started perimenopause symptoms myself. 

My Story 

For me, I saw, what in hindsight were, classic symptoms of early menopause (also known as perimenopause). Periods were shortening, mood swings were being affected, and I just didn't feel right in myself, and others could notice it too. I probably suffered for about a year and a half until I finally thought, hang on a sec… “could this be sort of the onset of early menopause?” It does run in my family, so it's no surprise that it was going to hit probably in my thirties, but I didn't think it would be that young! It was then that I started to talk to clients more about their journeys and how it did and was still affecting them, just so I could get some sort of relation to my symptoms to start with. 

Now, I'm starting to feel hot all the time. My skin has changed, my hair's a lot drier, my whole body just feels a lot drier than normal. I'm finding that I'm getting reactions to things that I wouldn't normally – both physically and emotionally. There's just a lot of things that affect the ‘everyday’ and the list, honestly, can go on. 

Why is a cosmetics business talking about menopause? 

Some of you may be reading this and thinking that it's not relevant to you, but what you really mean to think is that it’s not relevant to you right now. I believe there's up to 75 symptoms that anyone can sort of experience during the menopause journey at any one time. And that journey, is a long one. With my job and general line of work, some of the treatments that I offer really can benefit and help, hopefully, some of your symptoms. And you can trust that I am talking from experience. I mentioned it previously but one of these symptoms are the drastic changes to our skin. Skin changes as we age – that’s no secret. Obviously, collagen and elastin deplete from probably the age of 25, but even more so when your oestrogen and progesterone levels drop during the menopause – including when you’re in perimenopause (which loosely translates to when you’re having the symptoms, but you're still having periods). 

Fun fact: your actual menopause is only one day, and that is the one-year anniversary from the day that you last had a period. 

How does this knowledge and information transfer into the work I do? 

I've got a lot of clients that are at different stages in their menopause journey, and they get varying treatments that can help benefit the menopause which could be: chemical peels, micro needling, anti-aging treatments and skin booster injectables such as Profilo and Polynucleotide. When any new client books in with me, I always like to go through a lifestyle consultation. Firstly: How's your lifestyle? Are you active? Are you outdoors a lot? I also concentrate on questions like; are you going through menopause, or are you entering the perimenopause stage where you're getting the symptoms and suffering a little bit in silence? Because, trust me, you’re not alone. A lot of people come in and they'll say that they have really dry skin, clogged pores, their skin feels really tight, quite uncomfortable, their skin has changed over time. They felt like they once had quite a nice, desirable, dewy complexion, and now all of a sudden, they just look dull, grey, and just always looking a bit tired. That sort of feeling? That's where I come in. In a nutshell, I can help to re-texturize the skin. I do this by either working from the top down into the skin, or with micro needling and skin boosters from the bottom up. It just brings back that glow and brings back that skin's resilience that we're starting to lose during the menopause. 

Where do YOU fit in as a non-menopausal client? 

Now, remember when I said that some of you may think that this is not relevant to you right now? I’m sure a lot of you are sitting there thinking, “God, I've got years, I don't need to come in and have a treatment!” – but these treatments can benefit anyone that has any skin care concerns. Menopausal or not. However, I am very much about making sure you are getting the right treatment for the desired outcome and effect. And I wouldn’t be sticking to my business ethos if I weren’t making sure that the money you work so hard for isn’t wasted on something that isn’t right for you. That's where my consultation assessment comes in. During a consultation appointment, I make sure that your concerns are head, discussed and fully understood, that we place you on the right treatment plan and that you’re spending the right amount of money without the unnecessary bells and whistles addons that we see all too often within the industry. My job is to make sure that you’re having the treatments that are going to give you the desired, long-lasting results. 

Back to the menopause before I sign off 

By going through menopause myself, I can relate to a lot to the symptoms and the stresses and strains of that journey. It's not an easy one. Some days you'll have good times, and others won’t be so great. What I can offer you (apart from the forementioned skin concerns and retexturizing/rebalancing), is an uplift. Not necessarily the cosmetics type, but the mood and confidence type. Which, I think we could all use some of – menopausal or not!

In support of Menopause Awareness Month, Sarah Catherine Cosmetics is offering 10% off November appointment for chemical peels, micro-needling, anti-aging treatments and skin booster injectables such as Profilo and Polynucleotide.

Visit the ‘Book Now’ page on the website to reserve your time!